Know What Our Clients are Saying

The clients acknowledge and appreciate our hard work. Look through a few testimonials by our clients:
I was always running short of raw material in my factory. I was paying the full amount to the contractors for my daily needs and was under the impression that my machines are not performing well. On someone’s suggestion, I installed Smart Weighment by Amity and that day I realised the actual problem was the weight of the raw material. Right from day 1 of installing SWS, I found out the actual weight of raw material being brought in. Within a week, I saw my finances rising. Thank you, Amity for your wonderful product.

General Manager, KM Sugar, India

HS Mills, India
I purchased Amity’s agriculture management system and honestly, I have never had to worry about my business again. I get to know how much cane was brought in today, whether it was less than, equal to or more than my daily requirement, how much output did I generate and what is the efficiency of my plant. Their technical team is amazing, having in-depth knowledge of what they are selling and understand the requirements of the customer well. Every sugar mill should use their AMS.

Finance Controller, Kakira Sugar Limited, Uganda
Agriculture Management System and Smart Weighment System are in full operation for more than a year. Both systems have contributed directly to enhancing the efficiency of our operations and to our bottom line

Factory Manager, Makomboki, KTDA
The use of a Smart Card in weighing tea leaves is very safe, secure and fast since we have managed to increase efficiency. We will be taking less time for the tea to get to the factory and process it within a short time.

Rai Plywoods (K) Ltd., Kenya
I congratulate all team members for the wonderful work which has helped the company complete the first phase of the SAP Project on time. The contribution and dedication of the Amity team have been worthy of special praise.
We have been associated with Amity for 12 years. They have developed software for the sugarcane industry that we know as PULSE ERP. And we have received exactly what we wanted from them. If you belong to the agribusiness industry and needs a truly professional company that develops software using cutting-edge technology, I will surely recommend Amity Software to you.

MSW, India

I am using Amity’s AMS(Agriculture Management System) and happy with the software and the team. Always received support whenever we want and management is also very co-operative. They have some really good solution for the agriculture industry. Thanks.